New agriculture agent joins UMD Extension

New agriculture agent joins UMD Extension


New Howard County Agent Associate …

Agriculture and Food Systems Extension welcomes Nathan Glenn to the team

Nathan has years of comprehensive experience in agriculture education.

COLLEGE PARK, Md. — Agriculture and Food Systems (AgFS) Extension welcomes Nathan Glenn to the team as the new Howard County Agent Associate. Nathan will work with the AgFS team to support Maryland food production and agribusiness development.

Nathan grew up on the Glenn Family Farm in Highland, Maryland. He went on to earn B.S. degrees in Animal Science and Education from the University of Maryland, College Park and a MBA from Anderson University, while participating in a variety of agriculture-related internships, and college and community leadership roles.

Nathan has years of comprehensive experience in agriculture education. As a teacher at Harford and Washington County Public Schools and an AgriCorps Fellow at the Booker Washington Institute in Margibi County, Liberia, he took on many responsibilities such as leading agriculture classes, developing experiential learning opportunities and supporting the Future Farmers of America program. Nathan served five years as an agriculture educator and agribusiness development agent for Hope in the Harvest at Liberia International Christian College and for two years he developed AgriCorps training program curricula and train-the-trainer workshops for 4-H Liberia Field Agents as an independent consultant.

The AgFS team looks forward to working with Nathan as he applies his teaching, leadership and collaboration skills to improving agricultural practices in Howard County and across Maryland.

–Serena Newton
University of Maryland


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