Lake Land School Agriculture and Horticulture College students Earn Achievements at Convention

Lake Land School Agriculture and Horticulture College students Earn Achievements at Convention


Mattoon, IL-(Effingham Radio)-Several Lake Land College Agriculture and Horticulture students attended the PAS (Professional Agriculture Students) conference in Springfield on Thursday, February 7 to test their knowledge in competitions against other colleges and universities in various areas of agriculture.

Overall the teams earned the following honors:

  • College Agriculture Quiz Bowl -First place team
  • Beef Livestock Specialist -First place team
  • Sheep Livestock Specialist -Third place team
  • Overall Livestock Specialist -Second & Third place teams

Several individual participants earned honors as well. They are as follows:

  • Maggie Kelly –Quiz Bowl First team, Second Beef Specialist, First Beef team
  • Tyler Lee-First Beef team
  • Hannah Buse –Quiz Bowl First team, Third Beef Specialist, First Beef team
  • Brian Clapp-Third Sheep Team
  • Paige Lemenager – Quiz Bowl First team, Third Sheep Team
  • Montgomery Bertrand-Third Sheep Team
  • Gabe Hanson-Third Livestock team
  • Weston Tharpe-Third Livestock team
  • Skylar Ward-Third Livestock team
  • Grace Bock -Second Quiz Bowl First team, Second Livestock team
  • Tucker Walton -Second Livestock team
  • Luke Brinkensnider -First Overall Livestock, Second Livestock team
  • Vinny Smolckovich – Quiz Bowl First team
  • Sara Weber – Quiz Bowl First team, First Horticulture Specialist, First team Hort.
  • Kennedi Mullen -First team Hort.
  • Sophia Wagner-Third Horticulture Specialist, Second team Hort.
  • Lily Towles -Second Horticulture Specialist, Second team Hort.

Other student participants included Cooper Bertolino, Reese Brock, Brantly Cooper, Kara Freebarin, Cara Griener, Tyler Hall, Miles Hannon, Ashtyn Harvey and Jackie Schertz.


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