Cape summer season trip leases nonetheless obtainable, actual property brokers say

Cape summer season trip leases nonetheless obtainable, actual property brokers say


As the time approaches for locking in a vacation home rental on Cape Cod in 2023, the outlook appears sunny, with rentals still widely available, according to several Cape rental agents, with that prospect echoed at the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce.

According to Joan Talmadge, co-owner of the Cape & Islands vacation rental agency, there’s been an expected dip in the frenetic, sold-out atmosphere that ruled the 2020-21 pandemic season. Vacation seekers this year can shop around for one of the nearly 4,000 homes the agency lists, with a good selection still available.

In other years, according to industry statistics, bookings were as much as 80 or 85% filled by now, she said. This year, she said, booking levels across the Cape were at about 60% in February, due in part to a nearly 9% increase in inventory.

Joan Talmadge is the co-owner of WeNeedaVacation. She was photographed at her office where photos of various home rentals hang on the walls.

2022 Cape vacationsWant to rent a place on the Cape this summer? Better act now.

Many people who bought property here during the pandemic home-buying boom are now listing their homes for seasonal rentals. People “continue to register their houses right up until May,” she said, so the inventory keeps changing.


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